
Newsletter on Global Giving for June 2017 ( ; Street to School Mainstreaming Street Children No.17134) All of you, our wonderful and supportive friends, have helped us create magic for the children of Aasraa! We have grown from 35 children to 1800 over the last 8 years. Mainstreaming children and watching them grow […]

With 300 million illiterate adults, India is the most illiterate nation on earth! A 100 years ago people were considered literate if they could sign their names, a qualification that is inadequate today. Illiteracy leads to dead end jobs with no opportunity to have your voice heard; domestic violence, ill health and to the possibility of […]

Tots #ragpicking break your heart and this little one carried an overloaded sack exactly his size! He was walking to #BindalSlum, 1/2 km away and refused my help to carry his load. So much dignity!! He did confess his shirt and trouser had been given to him by the people who come every morning to […]

Did this question make you scratch your head?? Did you even know that April 12th is International Day for Street Children? As per UN sources, about 150 million street children exist in the world today. Unfortunately, these children have been ignored by decision-making bodies and are often seen as a political nuisance, a social embarrassment […]
Vocational Training at ISBT Center By Neha Joshi – Consultant – Development & Fundraising Morning Assembly Aasraa’s Mobile Learning Center at ISBT has been a tremendous success. On most days, we have more than 100 children flocking to the bus, excited to learn and play. So in order to effectively cater to the needs of […]