Dear friends. Please forgive the silence of the last week. We have been looking for a solution to our current dilemma. The shop keepers of the Omkar Plaza threw us of our pitch unceremoniously last week with almost no notice. Political aspirations were more important than teaching the young of the area. Having said that, […]
Welcome to summer-time at Street Smart! In continuation with the previous post about rising tempers and fights among kids, the strife between Gopi and Suraj escalated to an almost gang-war level when both boys gathered their respective supporters (which obviously means other silly teenagers who are driven by the hormone-triggered aggression). Everybody was beaten up […]
It could be the heat or a hundred other reasons, but on Saturday, the kids were fuming! All of them! To begin with, I met Gopi and Sajan (two kids from Parade Ground) sitting on the border-wall of Gandhi Park. Both of them promptly turned their faces when they saw me and stubbornly chanted “Please […]
Thursday marked our last day at Bindal. We decided that it would be a play day since there is no better way to end something than with laughter and merriment! So on one end of the now-empty space was two tables with chart papers, paints and other colour material. The rest of the space had […]