From the time we took our nascent steps & started interacting with the children on the street, we ‘gently’ resisted dealing with the kids below the age of 6. Our reasons were compelling – we were not a crèche/’anganwadi’ equipped to deal with the wilful, crying tantrums of tots who lunched at their mother’s breasts & used any available space as their private loo!
After dealing with the persistent drunken bouts of Rajkumar, his self-inflicted knife wounds, his loneliness…..; Sunita’s self-doubts & addiction to ‘gutka’, Naina’s tragic entry into adolescence, we have realised the wisdom of the saying, ‘it’s easier to build strong children, than to repair broken spirits.’
At the recently started outreach at Kanwali Road, where we get about 80 children every day, at least 35 are between the ages of 3-6. They come charging in at 10am hooting with the very joy of being alive!
We hope to encircle their young lives with love, so that they learn to love & trust, to praise, so that they don’t view the world with cynical contemptuousness, to be honest, patient & tolerant & thereby reaffirm their faith in life!