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Aasraa’s 2024 Calendar Download Here

Category : Heroes of Aasraa

Heroes of Aasraa - Harwant Sir!

Heroes of Aasraa – Harwant Sir!

He has the brightest most curious eyes. His ideas flow at the speed of light.  He speaks like a meditating monk about his love for teaching and pedagogy.  Meet Harwant Sir-teacher par excellence! Principal of one of Dehradun’s best CBSE School’s -PYDS Learning Academy, Harwant Sir very kindly offered to help us create a systematic […]

Heroes of Aasraa- An update on Chandni

Heroes of Aasraa- An update on Chandni

We met Chandni in 2011, while she was begging on the streets of Dehradun-her BIG smile caught our attention! After many months of counselling, she joined our Street Smart program with the lure of a bath, a meal and an education. After almost two years of ABCs and 123, Chandni was deemed fit to start […]

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