
“A teacher takes a hand, opens a mind and touches a heart… “ “A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instill a love of learning.” Brad Henry “One good teacher in a lifetime may sometimes change a […]

Assessment for mainstreaming has started at our ‘Street Smart’ program this week. Almost 60 students have appeared for their tests that will determine their learning levels and readiness for school in the next academic session. Currently, there are almost 500 children enrolled in the Street Smart project. While some children are being initiated into basic […]

Aasraa Trust is an organization dedicated to nurturing and preserving the very vital resources of any nation: children. Aasraa seeks to provide opportunity, education, nutrition and medical attention to the kids of our streets and slums in and around Dehradun. More than that, Aasraa provides these often- forsaken, neglected and marginalised kids with a chance to play fair […]

Exams are approaching and as much as we support extracurricular activity and talk about the overall development of a child, we simply cannot ignore this necessary evil. All over the world, colleges give final year school students conditional offers based on grades achieved, be it A levels, SATs or Board exams. There are so many […]

Paramjeet, 18, joined Aasraa’s Street Smart program as a spirited, naughty 13 year old excited to study. He would come to our learning centre everyday after rag-picking in the mornings. This week he got his result card for passing third grade through NIOS! He has never been to a formal school and lives in a […]