Aasraa’s 2024 Calendar Download Here

Aasraa’s 2024 Calendar Download Here

Aasraa’s 2024 Calendar Download Here

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The board examinations are here and we thought of sharing some insights and techniques that will help you perform better. LOOK AT THINGS IN THE RIGHT PERSPECTIVEThe board exams are important no doubt but they do not define you. Do not be afraid of the exams. Look at them as one of many opportunities that […]

Reimagining Education: Purpose and Meaning

Reimagining Education: Purpose and Meaning

INTRODUCTION Memorizing facts, learning new subjects and clearing examinations is what is commonly perceived as education. But is this all there is to it? Would you call a Harvard graduate “educated” if he was non-compliant? In the 1800’s, in India, there lived a man by the name of Ramakrishna Paramhamsa who couldn’t read or write […]



Celebrating International Day of Women and Girls in Science… International Day of Women and Girls in Science is celebrated as women today have come into their own and stand on par with their male counterparts when it comes to making path-breaking contributions in the field of STEM. Women and their achievements have been downplayed since […]

Aasraa collaborates with the Embassy of Japan to launch two Mobile Learning Buses

Aasraa collaborates with the Embassy of Japan to launch two Mobile Learning Buses

9 December 2022, Friday: The handover ceremony of “The Project for the provision of Mobile Learning Bus, Dehradun, Uttarakhand” under the GGP scheme of the Government of Japan, was held on December 8, 2022, in Dehradun, Uttarakhand. The ceremony was attended by Ms. Hokugo Kyoko, Minister (Economic and Development), Mr. Nishi Ryuhei, First Secretary, Ms. [...]

Aasraa Trust launches Shelter Home for 200 Girls

The construction of the Girls Shelter Home was funded by Lufthansa Group’s aid organization, help alliance and Mastercard The Girls Shelter Home offers quality education and protection for the most vulnerable in Dehradun On the 6th of September, 2022, Aasraa Trust inaugurated its new Shelter Home for 200 Girls on Rajpur Road in Dehradun. The [...]
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