The board examinations are here and we thought of sharing some insights and techniques that will help you perform better.
The board exams are important no doubt but they do not define you. Do not be afraid of the exams. Look at them as one of many opportunities that will eventually come your way. These exams are not an obstacle. They are an opportunity for you to shine and show how well you have understood your curriculum.
What you are studying now is what is studied by IAS aspirants while they prepare for UPSC. Your course material is designed by experts and requires careful study. If you study well now you may inadvertently reap the rewards of your hard work later on in life. Therefore, respect your curriculum. Out of this respect will come attention and concentration that will help you grasp the subjects better.
It is very important to make notes while studying. Rote learning is not real learning. It can be said that you have understood a concept only when you can explain it in your language. Read a concept. Close the book. And then try writing what you have understood. Writing helps in pointing out areas that are not clear to us. Getting stuck while making notes shows that you have not understood the concept correctly or that there may be gaps in your understanding. Once identified, you can always correct you mistakes by referring to the book again. But make sure you do this well before the exams. There is another benefit of making notes. They help us revise concepts quickly just before the exams.
It is a well-known fact that the human mind likes variety. While studying, if you get bored with one subject quickly switch over to another after taking a short break. A judicious balance must be struck between the amount of time you dedicate for each subject and only you can strike this balance. We tend to study more of what we like and ignore subjects that are not as enjoyable. This is a common mistake. All subjects have equal weightage. Hindi is as important as Mathematics. Therefore, strike a balance between all subjects.
One of the best ways to get ready for this year’s board exam is to attempt previous years papers. Doing so will allow you to judge how difficult the exams will be. Attempting past papers while simulating the “exam environment” will help you get ready for the actual exam itself! Solve as many past papers as you can to get a taste of what the exams will be like… Past papers are a window into the psyche of the examiners and will help you tailor your studies accordingly.
Here is a technique that will help you manage your breaks more effectively. Study for 25 minutes at a stretch and then take a 5-minute break. Each 30-minute session is called a “Pomodoro” and one should take a 15–30-minute break after 4 Pomodoros. This technique was developed by Fancesco Cirrillo in the late 1980’s while he was a university student. He quickly realized that this technique was the optimal solution FOR HIS NEEDS. Every man is built differently. You may be able to concentrate for more than 25 minutes at a stretch. The point is that you must test the waters and then come up with the optimal study-break combination for yourself.
It is quite natural to be a bit anxious before the exams. Do not be worried if you are a little stressed out. But make sure you do not get over-anxious. Refer to the first point to relieve yourself of anxiety: LOOK AT THINGS IN THE RIGHT PERSPECTIVE. There are several other ways to manage anxiety. Go for long walks amidst nature, exercise, listen to instrumental music, breathe mindfully, meditate etc. Make sure that you speak with someone in case you are stressed-out.
We hope these insights and techniques have been helpful to you. Have faith in yourself and your preparation. Give it your best shot. Best of luck!!!