For us at Aasraa it was again that time of the year, when we in the Education department were preparing ourselves for the coming new academic session. For us it was time for innovative thinking and the creation of study methods and programmes to keep aglow the fire of interest and keenness to learn in the minds of our children.
The recent intrusion of the COVID 19 virus in our lives has indeed thrown everything out of gear. Restrictions on movement and regular work, has forced us to alter our functioning. But problems are to be surmounted. We have kept up the pace by working from home. Our entire education team has turned `home’ into a workplace and are keeping in touch via Video conferencing and other methods. Syllabi are being reworked, methods are being changed and fine tuned to create maximum interest and involvement of our children. Additionally, the team is working on documentation and academic planning for the upcoming session.
Pre-primary teachers have been provided with necessary resources like a guided plan and curriculum to work on their teaching and language skills to make their classroom interactions innovative, and joyful for the little ones. Primary teachers have been working hard to prepare academic plans for all subjects. While the secondary level teachers are working at making generic plans for all subjects for their respective classes. In this exercise, immaculate coordination between education coordinators, project leaders and teachers is being executed by using all means of technology – phone, daily video conferencing, WhatsApp and emails. Each teacher has an opportunity to work individually as well as collectively. The team ensures that all possibly needed resources are made accessible and used to the optimum.
After the completion of academic planning teachers will make `high order thinking’ questions for the students that will require them to use the tools they learnt during the critical thinking workshops they attended.
After the initial hitches, the team has come together and is working harmoniously, with new ideas that are in the pipeline.