Assessment for mainstreaming has started at our ‘Street Smart’ program this week. Almost 60 students have appeared for their tests that will determine their learning levels and readiness for school in the next academic session. Currently, there are almost 500 children enrolled in the Street Smart project. While some children are being initiated into basic literacy, other dedicated students have moved up the ladder into the bridge course that prepares them for school.
Make no mistakes; Street Smart is not merely a bridge course. These are preparatory classes that get children ready for school. Preparation can be in terms of education, classroom behavior & discipline, manners, hygiene and inculcating a sense of regularity and responsibility.
Basic literacy in English, Maths, Hindi, arts & crafts, music lessons, computer classes are provided to the children. Hot nutritious meals, fruits, clothing, medical care is taken care of to ensure no child is hungry, cold or sick. Every opportunity is given to the children that will help them become the best versions of themselves.
For this academic session, we aim to mainstream at least 20 students. After the completion of assessments and family counselling, the children will be mainstreamed into appropriate classes in schools. Their school fees, uniforms, books will be sponsored by Aasraa Trust. But our association does not stop here.
The children will be enrolled into Aasraa’s after school project- ‘Wings of Doon’ for homework and curriculum support. Regular parent teacher meetings organized by school will be attended by Aasraa Team members. Strict vigilance will be kept on school records and tutorial classes to track the progress of the student. Where ever needed, timely intervention will be provided on matters of educational progress, emotional health, psychological or family counselling to ensure the overall well being of the child.
For children who do not fit into the education route, vocational training will be provided with an option of continuing studies through NIOS.
Aasraa 360 degree involvement in the child’s life ensures success of our projects. 180 children have been mainstreamed into schools till now with many more being prepared to join. Our dream is to see all children either educated or vocationally trained to join the future workforce empowered with the best tools possible.
Deeksha Pradhan