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Welham Boys’ School & Summer Valley School Join the Cause

Welham Boys’ School & Summer Valley School Join the Cause

We are extremely happy to welcome on board our new school partners- Welham Boys’ School (WBS) & Summer Valley School (SVS) that are helping us expand our reach to new children in new areas of Dehradun.  Our projects ‘Street Smart’(initiation to education) and Wings of Doon’ (after school remedial program) will now also operate from these schools.

Welham Boys’ School & Summer Valley School have been kind enough to not only give us permission to utilize their school premises to hold classes but also have graciously agreed to spare the time of their students and teachers to mentor and teach our children.

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With two new schools agreeing to join our cause; we are already reaching out to around 120 children from the Choona Bhatta & Suraj Basti area of Dehradun. While 60 children attend basic education classes at Welham Boys’ School; another 60 Government school students attend the after school remedial program at Summer Valley School. This number is only likely to grow with time!

Summer Valley 015      Summer Valley 017      Summer Valley 019

We would like to thank Pricipal Gunmeet Bindra, Welham Boys’ School  &  Dr. Ashok Wasu –Founder & Director, Summer Valley School for their consent and conviction in our cause of levelling the playing field for all our children regardless of their socio-economic standing. We hope to have a longer and stronger association with them in the future. 

Shailesh Feb - May 2015 142      SVS Wings

Deeksha Pradhan

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