Our efforts with slum and street children on Kanwali Road are progressing steadily. We are delighted by the positive response from the children! The day outreach program is bringing in 56 children into the shelter daily. The children come enthusiastically come rain or shine. The staff at the shelter is teaching Maths, English and Hindi. All these children are also taking computer classes.
This week we met with Board members of the Unnayan Trust who run a fabulous school for under privileged children off Kanwali Road. We are now actively working with them to en-roll more children into their school. We have put three computers into the school. They are allowing us to use their main Hall for our afternoon outreach program which has over 50 children. In a month, we hope to establish a sewing program for the older girls.
The morning outreach program continues in the Shiv Sena hall with 25 younger children. These will be the first children we will try to en-roll in Unnayan school as they are young enough to be main streamed.
Although Aasraa is delighted by the success of its outreach program so far, there are so many more children wandering in the gulleys and lanes of the slums. We need to work hard with the community and grow our efforts as well as maintain the work we are currently doing. With every rupee we reach more and more children. Thank you all for your love and support.