Shweta has gone and Vandita has taken over as co ordinator of Street Smart. We wish Shweta all the very best, she was inspirational in the establishing of this project. Thank you Shweta.
And now we are so lucky to have found Vandita. She is dynamic and caring all at the same time. The children respond to her wonderfully. She truly has an iron hand in a silk glove. No nonsense but lots of fun.
Let’s wish her well.
Ayushi joined us last week. Again lady luck seems to be smiling on us. She is interactive with the children, able to handle pressure and innovative in her approach.
Our secret weapon currently is Aisling from Dublin. She is a volunteer extraorinaire. We have her for another two weeks. Where does the time go? She is a bundle of ideas, enrergy and laughter. The next blog you read from street smart will be hers… I can’t wait to see Street Smart from her perspective.
13 years, 7 months ago