Aasraa’s 2024 Calendar Download Here

Aasraa’s 2024 Calendar Download Here

Aasraa’s 2024 Calendar Download Here

Street Smart Fun!!

This week with all Indians around the country we celebrated Independance Day. Rein Basera was a spectacle of Green, white and orange! It looked fantastic! Great job to all the staff who put it together! We began our celebrations with a prayer, then the older girls performed a fantastic dance and to top all our celebrations the children performed in a play. The play was the story of their lives before Street Smart. It was fantastic. Vandita directed and produced the whole play! Tomne bohod accha kame kiya!! (Please forgive me if the spelling is all wrong)! The children then proceeded to draw and colour Indian flags. They also enjoyed some tasty sweets as a treat for the day. It was a great day for both the pupils and staff! We were very proud of their performances!
We started a new Star Chart programme 3 weeks ago. Every child receives a daily star if they have been a good pupil. Whoever has the most amount of stars and who has been exemplary student receives a prize at the beginning of the week. Rajkumar won the prize the first week, Bhagwati won the prize for the second week and this week we have two fantastic students winning a prize each. We felt both Amirdaz and Sombati have been excellent all week and we strongly felt both deserved to win a prize.
This week I am teaching the children how to read the time! I made a clock today for the children. It has moveable hands so I can demonstrate any example of the time. We have also incorporated a short work-out into the programme after assembly! We felt this was important as it also relaxes the children and calms them. They have great fun doing the jumping jacks!! Lets hope the heavy rain holds off for the rest of the week, the poor kids were drenched arriving at Rein Basera today!

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