Kar Kamal fair at Welham Girls was a great experience for us at Street Smart. As I have been gushing about in the past few posts and photo albums, on the morning of April 14 we reached the grounds of Welham Girls at the unholy hour of 8:30 a.m., armed with some wonderful products that I am personally yet to get over.We sold a lot of things, which also means that we got to interact with a lot of people and tell them about Street Smart. On Day 2, we brought one of our kids Rajkumar with us. It was a great experience for him too and he was shy but happy.This is Monday now and it is time to settle back into the old routine. There has to be more learning at Street Smart and more creativity. We have to look at obtaining a physical space where the kids can really spread their wings of imagination and use different craft and art material to explore their creativity.Until then, more pictures from the time at Kar Kamal:
13 years, 11 months ago