Love & Care transcend all barriers!
Though an inclusive organization that started with normal and special needs street and slum children 10 years ago, we noticed an increasing number of children who are unable to cope with studies in a natural classroom environment. Children are unable to recognize, learn, retain or even manage basic interaction with their peers and other developmental issues. After a formal assessment at Indresh Hospital these children have been diagnosed with having various forms of learning disorders requiring attention by trained facilitators.
We have another group of children who come from most distressed backgrounds and need special attention and care. They are victims of abuse and exploitation and are handed over to us via the Child Welfare Committee and ChildLine.
The current status of inclusive education does not meet the special needs of these children. They need a dedicated center with a loving atmosphere for learning. A few dedicated such centers do exist but none for parents without financial means living under a tarpaulin sheet on the streets and slums.

Hence we launched our Special Needs Center in May 2019 where after successful evaluation an IEP (Individual Education Program) is developed and with regular classes/sessions with the child, we hope to see a marked difference in the overall behavior of the child. We aim to provide the children with the tools to enable them to carry out various daily tasks by themselves. Our goal would be to make the children independent, as much as possible with continued support from their parents/guardians.
Through regular counselling sessions, we aim to educate the parents/community about the various conditions and help them to become active participants in their child’s/ward’s development and future.

Aasraa’s Special Needs Centre currently caters to 84 children who have been diagnosed with a range of learning, physical and mental disabilities.