NIOS Center
After being declared the acting capital of the newly-created state of Uttarakhand in 2000, Dehradun turned into a destination for migrant labour overnight. As there was no affordable housing, labour camped under bridges, on riverbeds, in marketplaces. There was no provision of electricity, sanitation or running water.

It’s been 17 years since Dehradun became the capital but sadly nothing seems to have changed as far as the condition of the migrant labourers is concerned.
Children of these laborers seldom go to school as little importance is placed on deferred earning or understanding of other work options based on an education. There is little or no supervision at home as economic necessity often means both parents have to go to work. Being unsupervised, children fall victim to begging, inhaling glue, sexual abuse…

As most of these children are not age appropriate for admission to regular schools, we applied to NIOS (National Institute of Open Schooling) for accreditation as a study and exam center for their OBE (Open Basic Education) programme.

Children not in education are enrolled in the Open Basic Education (OBE) program of National School of Open Schooling (NIOS) in Level A, B & C (Class 3rd, 5th & 8th).
Basic learning begins initially with play-way method while imbuing basic hygiene & education. The focus is on computer-aided learning and advanced learning material is made available. Our outreach team makes sure that the child attends the program regularly. A quarterly assessment of the child is conducted and according to the progress made, a plan for their mainstreaming is prepared.

Apart from the main curriculum, computer education and vocations such as sewing & tailoring, carpentry and computer data entry are also imparted to the children at our NIOS center. The focus is on holistic development which will ensure that children grow into confident, happy individuals. Regular & intensive teacher training is also a vital part of the program.