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Integration Kit
Parameter Name:Parameter Value:
Compulsory information
Merchant Id :
Order Id :
Amount :
Currency :
Redirect URL :
Cancel URL :
Language :
Billing information(optional):
Billing Name :
Billing Address :
Billing City :
Billing State :
Billing Zip :
Billing Country :
Billing Tel :
Billing Email :
Shipping information(optional)
Shipping Name :
Shipping Address :
shipping City :
shipping State :
shipping Zip :
shipping Country :
Shipping Tel :
Merchant Param1 :
Merchant Param2 :
Merchant Param3 :
Merchant Param4 :
Merchant Param5 :
Promo Code :
Vault Info. :
Application Form
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.